Nightmares after tropical getaway

I honestly thought that I was doing something nice for myself when I booked a tropical getaway a few months ago.

  • I honestly never get the option to travel or see modern scenery, so it seemed like a delightful idea to go lounge on a beach by myself.

The complication was, nothing went according to that plan. When I arrived at the hotel they had a broken down AC system. Apparently the giant industrial cooling system had stopped working that prior afternoon & they were having concerns getting a professional HVAC service service who could handle the giant equipment. My dining room was boiling boiling the entire time I was there. Even with a fan running, nothing helped to combat the heat & humidity of the tropics. I sweated through the sheets every night as I laid awake & contemplated getting my money back. This was not the sweaty experience I was aiming for when I booked my trip. After that, things only got worse. I switched to a modern hotel where the HVAC was even WORSE somehow. They had working AC, however the air ducts were clearly blocked with debris. There was barely any airflow & now I didn’t even have a fan. The air that came into my room stinked moldy & dirty. I wound up with a sinus infection from my time at that hotel. At a particular point, I provided up on the whole idea & just slept on the beach. Finally, I got a peaceful night of sleep separate from frying in my bed… however my plane to go house left the next afternoon.

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