Met my mom; servicing her Heating and Air Conditioning system

I know a lot of people who talk about how hard it is growing up and feeling like something is constantly missing.

A lot of my friends grew up in broken homes just like I did.

My buddy and I are all missing a parent in some area of our life… Even if our parental units are technically alive and present. For instance, plenty of us complain about having absentee fathers who never very gave us the emotional support that my friend and I wanted. In my case, I have constantly been missing my mother. Honestly, I haven’t been that broken up about it because she left my family when I was 10 years old. I never thought about reuniting with my mom or worried about where she wound up. However, I found out a few weeks ago by accident. I was at the heating and cooling repair shop like regular when a normal Heating and Air Conditioning service appointment was called in to the front desk. I agreed to take on the air-conditioning inspection and hastily drove over to the residential Heating and Air Conditioning repair appointment. When I arrived in the driveway I was more than ready to get the air conditioner repair over with. I wanted to go dwelling for the evening and I did not need any complications with the cooling system to deter me. Unblessedly, I never could have anticipated that I would come face-to-face with my mom when I knocked on the door to learn about the air conditioner unit. It turns out, my missing mother has been living in the same neighborhood all along… And she has been suffering from low indoor air quality thanks to her outdated Heating and Air Conditioning system. I know she could have avoided this air quality conundrum if she had kept her children in her life.


a/c repairman