Wife’s friend is a bad influence, unrealistic financial situation

Sometimes I wish that my wife hung out with different people.

I know that it’s her choice who she wants to associate with but I don’t see any great benefit to maintaining the company that she keeps.

You see, when my wife was in college she was part of a particularly snooty sorority. My wife came from meager upbringing but she was excited to have friends in high places at that point in her life. Unfortunately, she hasn’t broken those ties with spoiled rich girls. To this day her best friend is constantly filling her head with unrealistic ideas about modern living. For instance, her best friend recently had their house upgraded to a radiant heated flooring plan rather than using a typical forced air furnace. It’s great that her friend can afford this high-quality indoor air control device but that doesn’t mean we are in the same boat. However, that doesn’t stop her from continually telling my wife that she should call her heating and cooling dealership and see how expensive it would be for us to perform the same HVAC equipment upgrade. I keep trying to tell my wife that we have a forced air furnace which works just fine. We don’t need radiant heated flooring and we can’t afford to have radiant heated flooring installed in the house. Meanwhile, her rich friend keeps filling her head with unrealistic ideas about lowering her energy bills and utilizing the radiant heated flooring all year round. I think that her friend means well, but she’s not doing our bank account or our marriage any favors.


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