Portable A/C unit – take it to the attic because heat is excruciating

A few weeks ago my buddy and I decided to have the greatest family reunions I’ve ever experienced.

I thought this was an interesting choice, because my buddy and I do not generally party actually much as a family.

In fact, my extended family hasn’t been in the same room together in the past 20 years. Throwing a sizable celebration and trying to gather pretty much everyone in one venue sounded like a lot of fun, but also a lot of hassle. Somehow, the task was thrown on my mom, which meant that I was helping her host the huge shindig. My friend and I were trying to find enough space for pretty much everyone to sleep in the house, and it was proven quite challenging to find enough comfortable resting venues. It was easy to situate people on the main floor, where there was bountiful Heating and Cooling available from the central Heating and A/C system. My mom had multiple extra kitchens and couches for people to crash on. They would be comfortable and perfectly tempered with use of the new furnace and Central cooling system, however, the problems arose when my buddy and I started setting up the attic for someone to sleep there. There’s plenty of room, and my buddy and I got a comfortable bed up into the space. However, the top floor of the home was inherently moderate and humid. The entire time my buddy and I were cleaning it out, I was covered in sweat through my shirt and panting for fresh, cool air. I wasn’t sure how anybody was going to manage to sleep in such a stagnant and agitated space; Just when I was about to throw in the towel and rent a few extra hotel rooms for my family, my mom innocently asked if I had carried the portable air conditioning system unit up to the attic yet.


a/c worker