Set password to control equipment so it can’t be changed

Living with roommates is an harshly difficult job for me.

I am not an extrovert, plus I have some privacy complications that make it difficult for me to cohabitate with anybody.

When you throw in the varying personalities of emotional adults, you wind up with a challenging household. I have been dealing with my irresponsible plus financially ignorant roommates for several years now, but my buddy and I were finally start to make strides in our energy conservation plus utility bill management. That is, until they started bringing new mans over. Apparently, my roommates have taste for harshly high maintenance plus picky ladies. Whenever these ladies come over to the house, I immediately start complaining about the indoor air temperature. They’re usually not wearing much clothing, so they must be colder than your average bear. They complain endlessly until my roommates will give in plus change the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C settings. If they make no progress guilting my roommates into altering the temperature control program, they will start messing with the control equipment themselves. I have seen them do it on various occasions, plus I felt our indoor air quality change hastily due to their random temperature whims. Throughout all of this Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C abuse, our Energy bill has been climbing through the roof month after month. I kept pestering my roommates, but they told me they were not in control of the ventilation drama. Finally, I provided up plus installed a passcode on the control unit. Now these random ladies can’t change our control equipment settings without asking, plus for extra security, my roommate’s don’t even know the passcode themselves.



temperature control